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CBES - Computer Based Experiment System

Computer Based Experiment System Package

CBES (Computer Based Experiment System) is a set of tools consisting of interfaces, sensors and software which have to be connected to a computer for the usage. The package of this tool can be used for Elementary School, Junior High School and Senior High School.

There are three types of interface (connector between sensors and computer), which is each conformed with the education level.

SET 310 PSBK for Elementary School
SET 520 PSBK for Junior High School
SET 710 PSBK for Senior High School

There are 30 types of sensor in the package including a motion sensor sensors, force sensors, light sensors, temperature sensors, pressure sensors and others that can be used for experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology Applications.

For more information, please email us at:  sales@pudak.com

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