The International Optics Kit POK 500 is a collection of optic tools that can be used to do interesting experiment and a demonstration in learning process concerning optics for Senior High School students, experiment topics are adjusted to international curriculum.
This kit contains precision-made tools for ease of assembly in conducting experiment and to get the experiment result as it expected.
All parts are stored in plastic suitcase with tools-shaped plastic tray inside, ensure of neatness and safety of storage.
Provided with experiment manual book.
Experiment topics:
- Light Propagates Rectilinearly
- Shadow
- Core Shadow and Half Shadow
- Lunar Phases
- Solar and Lunar Eclipses
- Pinhole Camera
- Reflection of Light on a Plane Mirror
- Reflection of Light on a Curved Mirror
- Object and Image on a Plane Mirror
- Reflection of Parallel Rays on a Concave Mirror
- Image of a Point Object Formed by a Concave Mirror
- Three “Special” Rays for Image Construction in a Concave
- Locating the image of an object formed by concave mirror
- Refection of Parallel Rays on a Convex Mirror
- Image of a Point Object Formed by Convex Mirror
- Three “Special” Rays for Image Construction in a Convex Mirror
- Image on a Convex Mirror
- Refraction of Light on Plain Parallel Surface
- Refraction at the Transition from Air into Water
- Refraction of Light
- Total Reflection
- Refraction trough a Prism
- Refraction at Convex Lenses
- Construction of Image Formed by a Convex Lens
- Spherical Aberrations
- Images by a Convex Lens
- Object Distance, Image Distance and Focal Length
- Refraction at Concave Lenses
- Construction of Image formed by a Concave Lens
- Image Formed by a Concave Lens
- Dispersion of Light
- Color Mixing
- Colors of Object
- Color of an Object when Viewed through Color Filter
- The Eye
- Shortsighted
- Longsighted
- Optical Illusions
- Magnifying Glass
- Slide Projector
- Microscope
- Astronomical Telescope
- Camera
- Diffraction by Grating
- Determination of the Wave Length of Light
- Polarization of Light
- Rotating of the Plane of Polarization by Inserting Solid Materials
- Model of a Saccharimeter
- Photoelasticity
Some experiments need some other supporting tools or other components that can be borrowed from other kit.