The Basic Analog Communication Trainer is designed as a teaching aids in the electronic communication learning, particularly the analog communication. This trainer is intended for Senior High School or Vocational School as well as course classes on level of technician or hobbyist. In addition to a demonstration tool, by using this trainer can be learned the subjects, basics, concepts and theory of analog communication. Thus, students will get the basic skill of analog communication.
The trainer consists of modules to enable the student to learn analog communication system in modular way. The panel type construction makes it easy-handling for students in conducting their experiments.
Provided with experiment manual book.
Experiment topics:
- Signal Source
- Tuned Circuit
- Filtering
- Amplifier
- Amplitude Modulation
- Balance Modulation
- Superheterodyne AM Receiver
- Frequency Modulation
- Sample and Hold
- Phase Locked Loop
- Delta, Sigma-delta Modulation
Complete specification.