The Digital Modulation Techniques Trainer PT 073229 is designed for students of communication vocational school. This tools help to learn the principles of modulation techniques of information signal which is digitally transmitted.
Designed in modular panel form where there are test points as well as clear diagram block symbols to ease the students to carry out experiments.
Input and output terminals are using 4 mm socket. Equipped with supporting accessories and experiment manual book.
Experiment topics:
- Signal Source Generator
- Amplitude Shift Keying Modulation & Demodulation
- Frequency Shift Keyimg Modulation & Demodulation
- Binary Phase Shift Keying Modulation & Demodulation
- Differential Phase Shift Keying Modulation & Demodulation
- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation
- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Demodulation
- Pulse Modulation (PAM, PWM & PPM) Modulation & Demodulation
- Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Modulation & Demodulation
- Time Division Multiplexer
- Frequency Division Multiplexer
Complete specification.