The Basic Electronic Trainer is designed to learn the principles of basic electronic that covering characteristic of electronic components, regulators, power supply stabilization and protection, component application in a circuit, op-amp and filter circuits.
The panel constructions type makes it easy-handling for students in conducting their experiments.
Completed with assembly board to create electronic circuit using available discrete modules such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc. Componet connections are made using bridge connectors or cables that supplied in sufficient quantity to perform experiments. All input and output terminals are 4mm sockets and plugs.
Provided with experiment manual book.
Experiment topics:
- Introduction to Electronics
- Ohm’s Law
- Thevenin’s Theorem
- Superposition Theorem
- Serial Resistance and Voltage Divider
- Parallel Resistance and Current Divider
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Non Linear Resistance
- Capacitor and Resistor in Series
- AC Signal
- The Influence of an AC Signal on a Resistance
- The Influence of an AC Signal on a Capacitor
- The Influence of an AC Signal on a Coil
- RLC Series and Series Resonance
- Series Oscillator Circuit
- The Influence of an AC Signal on a Parallel RC Circuit
- The Influence of an AC Signal on a Parallel RL Circuit
- Parallel RLC and Parallel Resonance
- Parallel Oscillator Circuit
- Filters
- The Response of an Integrator and Differentiator Circuit to a Square Wave
- The Response of a Differentiator Circuit to a Triangular Wave
- Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier
- Common Collector Transistor Amplifier
- Transistor as a Switch
- Schmitt Trigger
- Monostable Multivibrator
- Bistable Multivibrator
- Astable Multivibrator
- RC Coupled Amplifier
- Direct Coupled Amplifier
- Direct Coupled Amplifier with Complementary Transistor
- Differential Transistor Amplifier
- Common Source FET Amplifier
- Common Drain FET Amplifier
- Voltage Follower
- Non Inverting Operational Amplifier
- Inverting Operational Amplifier
- Uni-Junction Transistor
- Half-wave Rectifier
- Full-wave Rectifier
- Power Controller with SCR
- Voltage Doubler
- Characteristic of Electrical Source
- Current Source Using FET
- Current Source Using Bipolar Transistor
Complete specification.