The Circuit Application Trainer can be used to teach basic electronic application and perform electronic circuit experiment that covering the regulation, power supply stabilization and protection, component applicaton and op-amp circuit.
A large assembly board provided to assemble the discrete modules such as resistors, capacitors, transistors. Component connections are made by bridge-connector as well as connector cables that supplied in sufficient quantity.
The panel construction type makes it easy-handling for students in conducting their experiments.
Includes experiement manual book.
Experiment topics:
- Transistor Common Emitter Amplifier
- Transistor Common Collector Amplifier
- Complementary Push Pull Amplifier
- Transistor Differential Amplifier
- Voltage Follower
- Op-Amp Amplifier as Comparator
- Op-Amp Amplifier as Integrator
- The Transistor as a Switch
- Astable Multivibrator
- Phase Shift Oscillator
- Triangle Wave Generator
- UJT Pulse Generator
- Bistable Multivibrator
- Staircase Generator
- Light Operated Alarm
- Delay Circuit
- Temperature Operated Switch
- Schmitt Trigger with Transistor
- Light Operated Flasher
- Voltage Regulator
Complete specification.