The Basic Electricity Trainer is a descriptive and easily understood trainer that designed to cover the fundamental concept, theory and application of basic electricity. It provided with large assembly board to build circuit with common basic component, both of electricity and electronic. Suitable for vocational school students.
Modules can be mounted on the panel construction, enable the students conduct their experiment easily. All input and output terminals are 4mm sockets and plugs.
Provided with experiment manual book.
Experiment topics:
- DC Measurement Techniques
- Ohm’s Law
- Resistances in Series and Voltage Divider
- Parallel Resistances and Current Divider
- The Wheatstone Bridge
- Non-linear Resistor
- Series and Parallel Connection of Batteries
- Series and Parallel Capacitors
- Capacitor and Resistor in Series
- Inductor in a DC Circuit
- Transformation of Voltage and Current
- Working Principle of a Relay
- The Effect of an AC Signal on a Resistance
- The Effect of an AC Signal on a Capacitor
- The Effect of an AC Signal on Inductance (coil)
- Series RLC Circuit and Series Resonance
- Parallel RLC and Parallel Resonance
- The Effect of an AC Signal on Parallel RC Circuit
- The Effect of an AC Signal on Parallel RL Circuit
- Series Compensation
- Parallel Compensation
- Half-wave Rectifier
- Full-wave Rectifier
- Three Phase Circuit
Complete specification.