PUDAK SCIENTIFIC Science kits and posters for Elementary School are kits and posters which are developed by Science Education Quality Improvement Project - SEQIP, Indonesian Ministry of National Education (DEPDIKNAS), in cooperation with the German government. PUDAK SCIENTIFIC has gained the confidence to produce student science kits and posters and to supply them to the DEPDIKNAS.
Taking advantage of kit that has been made, PUDAK SCIENTIFIC is trying to develop guidelines using science kits and posters in the form of Student Experiment Sheet (LKS - Lembar Kerja Siswa) and the Student Activity Sheet (LAS - Lembar Aktifitas Siswa), based on the units that have been developed by SEQIP viz.: The Balance, The Water, The Minerals, The Sound, The Coal and Petroleum, The Light, The Optics, The Simple Device, The Heat, The Magnets, The Electricity, The Wind, The Animal Adaptation, The Nutrition, The Digestion, The Energy Transformation, The Plant Breeding, The Solar System, and The Sun, Earth and Moon.
PUDAK SCIENTIFIC operates globally, that is, developed LKS and LAS is not oriented toward a specific curriculum, but on its "science" or "subject of matter". In the case of science at the Elementary School, science subjects typically are "science in everyday life", not "academic science". PUDAK SCIENTIFIC tries to follow this pattern in LPS and LAS preparation.
In the usage, teachers need to sort the order of presentation, in accordance with their teaching programs or curriculum. Indonesia is currently applying Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK - Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi).
At this moment a whole tool kit consists of 11 kits, and 8 "teaching aids" each with a "unit study" or "units" as follows:
Kit Name Kit Contents Quantity
Balance Kit
9600100 Balance stand board 1
Balance arm 1
Balance foot 2
Balance plate and cord 2
Balance weights 1 set
Water Kit
9600200 Vessel 1
Botle 1
Board 1
Hose 1
Clay (wax toy) 1
Metal plate 1
Metal vessel 1
Pipette (eye dropper) 1
Mineral Kit
9600300 Rocks and minerals 12 types
Description card 12 types
Sound Kit
9600500 Sound box + one string (mono cord) 1
Bridge 1
Coal and Petroleum Kit
9600900 Petroleum and its product 6 botles
Soft coal 1
Coal 1
Charcoal 1
Light Kit
9601000 Light Box + 2 batteries 1
Mirror 1
Prism, 90° 1
Optic Kit
9601100 Magnifier 1
Prism, 60° 1
Kit Name Kit Contents Quantity
Simple Device Kit
9601201 Lever 1
Wheel and axle 4
Friction block 1
Axle 1
Hook 2
Balancer (rider) 1
Heat Kit
9601401 Thermometer, –10°–0°–110°C 1
Spirit burner 1
Manometer holder 1
Plastic pipe 3
Rubber hose 2
Cooper rod 1
Steel rod 1
Glass rod 1
Magnet Kit
9601600 Rod magnet 1 pasang
Container and lid 1 pasang
Magnet bearers 1
Electricity Kit
9601700 Assembly board 1
Battery holder 2
Battery 2
Switch 2
Lamp holder 2
Light bulb 2
Red cable 3
Black cable 3
Conductor holder 1
Conductor and non-conductor 5
Electric motor 1
Wheel and axle 1
Belt 1
Poster and Card / Teaching aid
Kit Name Kit Contents Quantity
Wind Poster
9600400 Sea breeze and land breeze poster 1
Animal Adaption Cards
9600600 Poster 1
Cards 12
Nutrition Cards
9600700 Nutrition cards 5
Food cards 19
Digestive Cards
9600800 Poster 1
Cards 6
Energi Transformation Poster
9601300 Poster 1
Cards 6
Plant Breeding Poster
9601500 Poster 1
Solar System Poster
9601800 Poster 1
Apron 10
Sun, Earth and Moon Aprons
9601900 Apron 3
Kit contains tools to conduct experiments by students. The experiment tools are not suitable for the demonstration, because they relatively in small sizes.
A general tool to assist teachers in explaining the various things related to science. After using the posters as a learning tool, they are good to be used as ornaments on the walls of the classroom, especially at a time when associated matters is in the learning process. In this way any time students can see for strengthening the understanding and discussion outside of school hours.
PUDAK SCIENTIFIC's SEQIP Series consists of 3 packaging, viz.:
· Set contents 1, contains 1 kit and 1 set of tools.
· Set the contents of 5, with 5 kits and 1 set of tools.
· Set contents 10, containing 10 kits and tool sets 1
*For further details & price please contact us: sales@pudak.co.id