Dr. Lilik Hasanah, S.Si, M Si. - was born in Purworejo on June 16, 1977. Graduated S1, S2 and S3 at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB - Bandung) - majoring Electronic Material Physics. Until this time she is a lecturer at the FPMIPA, Department of Physics of University of education (UPI) - Bandung; as a lecturer at the Physics Department Faculty Tarbiyah and Physics Department and Electrical Engineering Faculty of Science and Technology of Islamic university (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati - Bandung; and as a lecturer at the Telecommunication institute (IT Telkom) - Bandung.
Collaborative research has been conducted as The Principal investigator, 2009-2010, Modeling and fabrication of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Capacitor High-k dielectric, Semiconductor Department of Semiconductor Electronic and Integration Science, Graduate School of Advanced Materials Science, Hiroshima University, Japan.
The publication has been written, among which are:
Hasanah, L. and Khairurrijal: The effect of the Electron Velocity on the Tunneling Current throught the Si/Si1-xGex/Si Anisotropic Heterostructures; 2011; Siam Physics Congress 2011; Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand;
Hasanah, L., Murakami, H., Khairurrijal, and Miyazaki, S. (2010): Parallel-perpendicular kinetic energy coupling effect on electron tunneling current in Al/HfO2/p-Ge and Al/SiO2/p-Si MOS diode with nanometer-thick diodes; 2010; The 3rd Nanoscience and nanotechnology Symposium;
Hasanah,L. and Khairurrijal (2010): Arus Terobosan pada Transistor Dwikutub Struktur Hetero Si/Si1-xGex/Si Anisotropik Melewati Basis Tergradasi (Graded Base); 2010; Berkala HFI;
Hasanah, L., dan Khairurrijal (2009): Perhitungan Arus Terobosan pada Transistor Dwikutub Sambungan Hetero Si/Si1-xGex/Si Anisotropik dengan Menggunakan Metode Matriks Transfer; 2009; Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 287-291;
Sukirno, SZ Bisri, Irmelia, L. Hasanah, AB Suryamas, Mursal, Ida dan Usman: Comparison of Electronic Transport Parameter of CNT (10,10)/CNT(17,0) and CNT (5,5)/CNT(8,0) Carbon Nanotube Metal-Semiconducror On-Tube Heterojunction; 2006; ICSE 2006 International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, e-Journal IEEE Xplore, 267-271;
Bisri. S. Z., Suryamas, A. B., Hasanah, L. and Sukirno: Simulation of Carbon Nanotube on-Tube Metal Semiconductur Heterojunction Electronic Properties; 2005; Indonesian Journal of Physics, 17, 21-29;
Bisri. S. Z., Hasanah, L. and Sukirno: Charge Distribution and Potential Profile in Nanometer Metallic Carbon Nanotubes-Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Heterojunction ; 2005; Proceeding of Asian Physics Symposium;
Sari, R. S, Bisri. S. Z., Hasanah, L. and Sukirno: Carbon Nanotube Fabrication Attempt: Our Recent Progress; 2005; Proceeding of 6th International Seminar on Microscopy and Microanalysis: “Nanotechnology and Its Application.
Research has written, among which are:
The use of Local Materials Minerals Yarosit for Gas Sensors, UPI Strengthening Competencies Research, 2011;
Electrical Transport Mechanism in Semiconductor GaN-Based Ultraviolet detector with Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Structural, Hibah Fundamental, 2009;Fabrication of Thin Nd-CeO2 Coatings for SOFC using the PLAD technique, Graduate Grants, 2005-2006;
Fabrication, Simulation and Characterization of CNT II, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB Competitive Research, 2006;
Fabrication, Simulation and Characterization of CNT, Outstanding Research Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB, 2005;
Diagnosis of Students Difficulties in Statistics Physics Lectures reviewed in The Ability of Mathematics and Physics Department of Independent Physics Research FPMIPA UPI, January-April 2003;
Thin film growth of GaSb on GaAs substrates by using MOCVD Vertical Reactor, Competitive Grant, Department of Physics ITB Fismatel Laboratory, from 2000 to 2001.