Dra. Asiah Soesy Soesilawaty M. Si. |
Dra. Asiah Soesy Soesilawaty M. Si, was born in Sumedang, on April 1, 1959, currently working as permanent employees in UPI Bandung.
- Bachelor Degree - Biology Education at IKIP - Bandung.
- Master Degree - Biology at UGM Yogyakarta.
- Doctoral Degree - Science Education at UPI Bandung, in progress.
Teaching experience
- Indonesia University of Education (Vertebrate Zoology, Animal Physiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology).
- Academy of Midwifery Aisyiyah (Basic and Development Biology).
- The "Satyalancana Karya Satya" from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2002 - in the field of science education.
- The "Karya Bhakti Satya 25 tahun Pengabdian" in 2008.
Work / activities of community services
- Research - entitled "Potensi Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) sebagai Zat Antifertilitas pada Pria", 2012.
- Scientific Works, Pedoman Praktikum Zoologi Vertebrata, 2010, FPMIPA UPI.
- Scientific Works, Pedoman Fisiologi Hewan, 2010, FPMIPA UPI.
- Guidance on "Potensi Ageratum Conyzoides sebagai Tanaman Herbal Kaya Manfaat" - Cihanjuang Village, West Bandung, 2011.
- As a tutor of Universitas Terbuka from 2000 until now.
- Guidance regarding "Kesehatan Reproduksi Pria dan Wanita" in Lembang, 2012.