Hendro, M.Si. was born in Boyolali, Central Java, December 14, 1956. He belongs to a Research Group for High Energy Theoretical Physics and Instrumentation.
1982, Bachelor Degree, Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
1987, Master Degree, Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
2010, Doctoral Degree, Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
Work Experience
1983–now: Lecturer at FMIPA ITB: Electronics I and II, Elementary of Physics I and II, Medical Instrumentation, Experimental Data Processing, Physical Advanced, Technology Concepts, Experimental of Elementary Physics, Instrumentation System, Science Development Concept.
1985 - 1993: Lecturer of Diploma Program III FMIPA ITB.
1990 - 1994: Lecturer of Electronics, Elementary of Physics, LPTK Program, FMIPA ITB.
1992 - 1997: Instructor of ASEAN Physics of Education Network (ASPEN) for High School teacher, Indonesia.
2001 - 2003: Instructor of Technician / Laboran, FMIPA ITB.
2000 - 2005: Head of Basic Physics Laboratory ITB.
2012 - now: Head of Electronics Physics Laboratory ITB.