Philips Nicolas Gunawidjaja, Ph. D. was born in Bandung, April 7, 1979. Currently he is a lecturer and the head of Physics Department of Science Faculty of Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung. He is also member of a profession association of the Institute of Physics, UK.
Bachelor of Physics- University of Warwick, Coventry, England; degree of B. Sc. (1997 – 2000)
Master of Physics - INTI, Bandung; degree of MA (2004 – 2006)
Doctor of Physics – University of Warwick, Coventry, England; degree of Ph.D. (2000 – 2004)
Below are some of his scientific and innovative works:
G. W. Wallidge, R. Anderson, G. Mountjoy, D. M. Pickup, P. Gunawidjaja, R. J. Newport and M. E. Smith, Advanced physical characterisation of the structural evolution of amorphous (TiO2)x(SiO2)1-x sol-gel materials, J. Mater. Sci., 39, 6743-6755 (2004)
D. M. Pickup, F. E. Sowrey, R. J. Newport, P. N. Gunawidjaja, K. O. Drake and M. E. Smith, The structure of TiO2-SiO2 sol-gel glasses from neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution of titanium and O-17 and Ti-49 solid-state NMR with isotopic enrichment, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 10872-10880 (2004)
D. M. Pickup, F. E. Sowrey, L. J. Skipper, R. J. Newport, P. Gunawidjaja, K. O. Drake, M. E. Smith, P. Saravanapavan and L. L. Hench, The structure of TiO2-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2 sol-gel glasses from neutron diffraction and solid state NMR using isotopic enrichment of titanium, calcium and oxygen, Phys. Chem. Glasses, 46, 433-438 (2005)
P.N.Gunawidjaja, Z.Lin and M.E. Smith, An NMR study investigating the effect of Na2O addition to TiO2-Zr)2-SiO2 xerogels structures, Integral, Majalah Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam volume 10 no 3 (2005)
Paul Guerry, Donna L Carroll, Phillips N Gunawidjaja, Prodipta Bhattacharya, Daniela Carta, David M Pickup, Ifty Ahmed, Ensanya Abouneel, Pam A Thomas, Jonathan C Knowles, Robert J Newport, Mark E. Smith, Solid State NMR as a probe of Inorganic Materials:Examples from Glasses and Sol-gels, Magnetic Resonance in Material Science MRS Proceedings Volume 984E 0984-MM12-01 (2006)
The subjects he is currently taught in UNPAR Bandung are:
Basic Physics 1 and 2
Electronics 1 dan 2
Electronics lab
Research titles
Pengajaran Materi Fisika untuk Mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer (2007), the research report is published in the journal of LPPM UNPAR
Swimming Fish Dynamics (2007), the research report is published in the journal of LPPM UNPAR
Community Service Activities since the academic year of 2004/2005 until now:
Physics Teachers Training (2006), organized by UNPAR, for the purpose of improving the quality of Indonesian teachers
Indonesian Young Scientist (2006), organized by UNPAR, for the purpose of student’s physics knowledge development
Physics Teachers Training (2007), organized by UNPAR, for the purpose of improving the quality of Indonesian teachers
Indonesian Young Scientist (2006), organized by UNPAR, for the purpose of student’s physics development
Independent Monitoring Team of Ujian Nasional (National Exam) (2007)