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PMG 125
Reversible Pendulum
Reversible pendulum is a physical pendulum which has a pair of pivot points in a fixed distance. Pendulum’s oscillation interval can be adjusted therefore the interval on each pivot point is equal or nearly the same. The pivot point is a fulcrum blade, made of hardened steel, which can be a adjusted its position if necessary. The pendulum is supplied with 2 weights, one is functioning as a weights in fixed position and the other can be shifted along the pendulum rod.

In the experiment, ‘fixed weights’ position is unchanged, while the ‘shift-able weights’ is shifted to get the same or nearly the same oscillation interval on both pivot points.

Time measurement can be done manually using a stopwatch or for better accuracy results, use Time Counter System which is consisting of Photo Gates and Timer Counter.

Provided with experiment manual book.

Experiment topics:
  • Reversible Pendulum
  • Reversible Compound
  • Reversible Owen

Some experiments need some other supporting tools or other components that can be borrowed from other kit.
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