Matter and Its Changes Kit CJH 101 consists of a series of equipment to introduce chemistry experiments to students, particularly chemistry experiments in junior high school or the equivalent. Components included in this kit are laboratory standard equipment suitable for school or university laboratory as well as for health or research laboratory.
Students can use this kit to do basic experiments to understand matters and their characteristics. Knowledge about matter and its characteristic is important as a basic knowledge to do chemistry experiments in various topics. The experiments using this kit include solution making, finding out the boiling point and melting point of a chemical substance as well as finding out the factors that affect the solubility of a chemical substance.
Components of Matter and Its Changes Kit CJH 101 are placed on two trays packed in a plastic box. Spirit burner is included in this kit, but its function can be replaced by Bunsen burner (if available in the laboratory). Included in this kit is an experiment manual book that can be used by teacher and student as a reference to do experiments. Other equipment (not included in this kit) that may be necessary to do experiments is a scale. Ideally, this kit is to be used by four students (1 group).
Experiment topics:
- how to make solution from solids
- how to make solution from liquids
- boiling point
- melting point
- factors that affects solubility