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Students and teachers are allowed to visit our factory and R&D centre with a purpose to learn a new perceptions and knowledge about production machinery diversity and production processes to create high quality products.

Future customer and/or customer can see directly the production processes of each equipment you are already or intend to buy and be more confident about our product’s quality.

Below is the agenda of factory visit that has been held.

For registration and further information please click here.
Factory Visit : 2019
SMK Negeri 4 Banjar
62 persons
Industry visit to add insight and knowledge directly about production processes in a factory.
86 persons
Introducing the real world of industry and adding insight into the general world of work in.
FKIP Universitas Lampung
56 persons
Preparation for the implementation of chemistry education field work (KKL) FKIP University of Lampung.
SMK Negeri Gegerbitng
80 persons
Industry visit for field study.
SMK Pembangunan Nasional Bekasi
70 persons
Industry visits to increase knowledge, add insight and refresh students' teaching and learning activities.
SMK Puja Bangsa
84 persons
Establish partnerships with the business world and the industrial world, as well as seeing the development of industrial technology as a provision to enter the workforce.
SMK Negeri 1 Cariu
56 persons
Improve competence and add students' insights about the industrial world and the business world.
SMK Bima Sakti Kab. Bekasi
70 persons
Industry visits to increase students' knowledge about the world of work and the business world.
Jurusan Teknik Indistri Unversitas Katolik Parahyangan
5 persons
Obtain data for the purposes of completing assignments for engineering material, plastics and glassware.
MA Persis 109 Kujuang Ciamis
61 persons
Increase the knowledge and understanding of students majoring in Natural Sciences about teaching aids in chemistry.
Penabur Secondary Tanjung Duren, Jakarta
12 persons
To find out about Pudak Scientific's activities and production activities.
SMA Santo Aloysius, Bandung
175 persons
Study tour
MA Negeri 15 Jakarta
50 persons
Industry visits as a support for electrical subjects.
Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keagamaan Bandung
70 persons
Industry visits related to the implementation of the Functional Training of Prospective Heads of MTS Science Laboratories.
Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Yogyakarta
64 persons
Industry visit in the context of the Excursion Study activities in 2019.
Mahasiswa S1 Farmasi Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang
50 persons
Industry visits in order to develop insights and increase understanding of pharmaceutical preparations and recognize learning objects outside the campus environment.
Mahasiswa Elektro Politeknik Enjinering Indorama Purwakarta
27 presons
Industry visit to find out how electricity is implemented in the world of work.
SMK Negeri 2 Cilacap
82 persons
Industrial visit for students of class XI of Mechanical Engineering.
SMK Bangun Nusa Bangsa
56 persons
Industry visit in order to fulfill the learning program in the Curriculum of Bangun Nusa Bangasa.
SMK Korpri Majalengka
59 persons

Industry Visit Competency in Machining Mechanical Engineering Vocational School Korpri Majalengka Academic Year 2019/2020.

SMK YPP Purworejo
80 persons
Industrial visits in order to introduce and develop students' insights about the industrial world that correlate with competency development, and to establish the possibility of cooperation between the school and industry, especially in Mechanical Engineering competence.
SMK Farmasi Majenang
80 persons
Industry visit as an implementation of the Curriculum based on the BBC (Broad Based Curiculum), to gain the skills and experience of working in the Industrial World as part of a Dual Systems Education.
SMP Al Azhar Syifa Budi Parahyangan
108 persons
ndustrial visits in the context of organizing out-of-class education for students, to get inspiration, add, correct and strengthen understanding of the knowledge that has been conveyed at school.
SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
122 presons
Industry visits in order to introduce the work culture, work processes and work fields of a company.
SMK Negeri 7 Bandung
65 persons
Industry visits in an effort to develop students' insights and knowledge on IPTK developments and changes that are implemented in the business world as well as efforts to prepare HRs with high adaptability.
Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia UIN SGD
80 persons
Industry visits to enhance students' insights about the world of work and the world of industry.
Prodi IPA IAIN Kudus
80 persons
Industrial visit of IPA Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus.
SMK An-Nur Ibun
58 persons
Industry visit in order to develop students' insights from the Department of Motorcycle Engineering and Electrical Installation.
SD Citra Cemara Bandung
91 presons
Industry visits to increase knowledge, especially skills, which are not only obtained by reading and listening to the translation.
SMA Santo Aloysius, Bandung
177 persons
Study tour.
Bimtek Kepala Laboratorium FP MIPA UPI
90 persons
Industry visit in the context of the National Technical Laboratory's Head of Technical Guidance activities organized by FP MIPA UPI Bandung.
“If you have a request for factory visit, please click here.”
Other factory visit on year :   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2022   2023  
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